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Why doesn't anyone diagnose the root cause of a problem?
I've got some health issues, but it seems that the medical system isn't interested at all in truly helping me get better. It also seems that doctors in general are incompetent at fixing problems or can even make them worse! You read the horror stories on how many surgeries go wrong, and you wonder, why is this so hard?

Nowadays, doctors are only interested in one thing. Money. This is partly why insurance costs so much. Rather than truly understanding what is going on, doctors seem all too eager to prescribe drugs that treat symptoms, but don't actually treat the root cause. Why do they do this? Again, it's money related. Most of the big pharmaceutical companies pay doctors to recommend their drugs over their competitors. With so many conflicts of interest, is it really that hard to see why most of your visits to your doctor are mainly all talk, drug prescriptions, and nothing more?

I want to get better. I'm working on it. It would be nice if doctors could help speed that process, but I haven't been helped. Instead, I'm told I should get surgery. And while that may work for the majority of patients, it doesn't always work. It can get worse. I'd like to heal naturally. Surely, there's got to be a natural way.

I can keep throwing my money at the medical system getting small incremental results, but can health care truly come with a price tag? I'd like to think that saving and improving lives is more valuable than money ever could be. I hope that one day we can get our priorities in order. I believe limits need to be placed on how much a doctor can charge for certain procedures. It needs to be reasonable.

The government always focuses on changing how we're insured, but again, this is not the root problem. Doctors need to stop billing astronomical rates to the insurance companies, and insurance companies should be mandated to operate as non-profits. Health is more important than making a profit. Health care should be affordable to all and a no brainer. In its current state though, it's essentially worthless until your hit your high deductible (in my case $7,500 with Obama Care). What good is that?

I don't want to spend $7,500 before insurance covers something. Why am I even paying?

We've got to fix the system. Only then can we possibly experience what true health and wellness might be.

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Why doesn't anyone diagnose the root cause of a problem? - by frogman - 11-17-2017, 05:29 PM

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