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W3C Poor Underlining Deci...
Forum: Websites and Web Services
Last Post: frogman
02-22-2018, 10:32 PM
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Sports Hernia Groin Issue...
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W3C Poor Underlining Decision Making - Rewrites Behavior for Hanging Characters |
Posted by: frogman - 02-22-2018, 09:41 PM - Forum: Websites and Web Services
- Replies (1)
The W3C has decided to change the default way underlining behavior has worked since its typewriter debut. Why? I have no idea. Maybe it was because of the oddballs from Apple claiming progress (as they did for removing the headphone jack... how embarrassing). If anything, the new underlining style should have been implemented without changing the default behavior so that website owners and their users could have a choice as to which style they'd like to use.
Unfortunately, NO ONE was given a choice. As a website owner or administrator, you might start seeing some weird looking underlined text in Chrome or Safari (the only browsers that have implemented this flawed idea). This is because of the W3C's erroneous spec that has forced this unwanted behavior on the masses. See the draft here:
I'm guessing that most browsers will start rendering links orunderlined text stupidly soon. Again, we have the W3C to blame. Unfortunately, this looks ugly, and breaking up links due to hanging characters is a mistake.
Just take a look at the below images to see the difference.
OLD STYLE (Looks Better than New)
New Style (Looks Terrible)
That's a pretty big change. I prefer the old behavior.
A bug was even filed in Chrome for this behavior change, but it's evidently the way the W3C wants to handle links by default.
You can get your underlined text to render the old way by adding additional CSS rules to your stylesheet:
Code: a, u, .underline{
text-decoration-skip-ink: none;
I hope you have fun changing your style sheets for your carefully constructed websites. As it stands now, your web pages could display in ways never seen before as long as the W3C keeps rewriting and changing standards that have been established for decades.
What do you think? Was it a good idea? I don't think so.
Common sense says you shouldn't change it for everyone after the standard has been set for decades. Oh well. Another reason to hate this insane world.
Help Us Make Go Complain Better! |
Posted by: frogman - 11-17-2017, 06:24 PM - Forum: Suggestions, Requests, Comments, etc
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We'd love to hear your suggestions, comments, questions, requests, and anything else from you. If we can do something to make this site better, please let us know, and we'll look into it!
Rules and Guidelines |
Posted by: frogman - 11-17-2017, 06:21 PM - Forum: Announcements & Rules
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It's pretty simple:
- Treat others as you'd like to be treated.
- Speak the truth and only the truth.
- Do not hijack or spam threads.
- Try to stay on topic or open another thread in the correct sub-forum.
- Do NOT include your personal information with your complaints unless you really really want to. We all want to stay anonymous here!
- Maintain an objective viewpoint when complaining for the best result. Cursing and crying usually don't help get you what you want. Nor does it look good.
That's about it... now Go Complain! The administration and moderator team will do everything to NEVER censor content on our forums.
Money makes all the wrong decisions... |
Posted by: frogman - 11-17-2017, 05:59 PM - Forum: Money and Economics
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Money has corrupted almost every profession, government, authority, company, business, and person in the world. We only do things for money. We don't follow our passions or do the things we want. Instead, we enslave ourselves to the money and the desires of those who tell us what to do for the money. We'll often do something morally wrong just to get it. This ultimately hurts us as humans in the end. Rather than improve or make things better for everyone, we look at how we can make the most profit. Some things are worth more than any amount of money.
I'd say that life, health, happiness, prosperity, freedom, and doing something you love that helps the world cannot be assigned monetary value.
Money will never bring you true happiness. It usually brings the exact opposite. Consider the effect your actions will have on humanity. Just because you might be paid a lot in the short term, you should think about others and what negative effects your actions will have on the rest of the world.
Find something you love to do and hopefully the money will follow. It is unlikely the system will change soon, but it needs to if we're ever to progress intellectually and spiritually as humans.
Few People Actually Skilled and Good at their Professions These Days? |
Posted by: frogman - 11-17-2017, 05:50 PM - Forum: The World
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Is it just me, or does it seem like people are getting worse when it comes to doing their jobs? Most people just seem to collect a pay check. Few people seem to care or take pride in their work these days. It doesn't seem to just be a problem in the United States either from what I've seen when traveling to France. It seems to take 2-3 times at a minimum before a job is finally completed at a satisfactory level. You have to complain and keep complaining until the job is done right, and even then, it's still not done absolutely right.
Most people seem to think short term, but we need to think long term when it comes to durability and stability. We want things that last a long time. Quality is very important. Unfortunately, it seems that as the world is dumbed-down, workmanship and professional skill are deteriorating as well. If you don't do it right the first time, it's going to cost you more in the long run because you'll probably have to redo the job 2-3 more times.
Just do it right the first time! Don't rush into anything. Plan it out and execute to the best of your ability. Let's make the world a better place for everyone, and that starts with doing what brings the most value to others, which means we should apply our skills as much as possible and keep improving as we venture through life!
Sports Hernia Groin Issues are NO Fun |
Posted by: frogman - 11-17-2017, 05:43 PM - Forum: Health
- Replies (1)
I believe I have a sports hernia from playing soccer. A sports hernia is not your typical hernia. In fact, there isn't even a bulge sticking out of your body. Instead, it's a bunch of invisible tears in the core muscles of the abdomen area.
Here's a good explanation describing the sports hernia.
It's mainly a bunch of pain after running or switching directions. My groin would be sore for hours after playing a soccer game. The entire area was tight. I've since stopped in an effort to heal, but it's taking forever. Some people online claim it never heals without surgery. They might be right, but fixing sports hernias through surgery seems to be quite risky, and there are only a handful of skilled surgeons out there the internet recommends such as Dr. Meyers & Dr. Brown.
Due to this condition (which maybe I don't have, but since doctors don't seem to actually want to diagnose my problems using science and tests without costing me a fortune, I have to make my own diagnosis [how embarrassing]), I'm unable to play soccer at my young age.
I'm doing cold laser therapy, acupuncture, and my own version of physical therapy to possibly help. Things have improved, but it is taking a long time. On top of that, I think I have a higher up abdomen strain from lifting too much. Never take your body for granted. You never know when all of sudden all of these minor injuries add up and become something serious. Every part is important.
Here's to hoping I will recover soon.
In terms of dealing with the pain, it does seem that core shorts really do help. When I wear these, I really don't seem to agitate my injury further (I'd recommend that you wear a sports brief underneath them for added comfort). I'd recommend it if you're coping with such an unfortunate issue.
Why doesn't anyone diagnose the root cause of a problem? |
Posted by: frogman - 11-17-2017, 05:29 PM - Forum: Health
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I've got some health issues, but it seems that the medical system isn't interested at all in truly helping me get better. It also seems that doctors in general are incompetent at fixing problems or can even make them worse! You read the horror stories on how many surgeries go wrong, and you wonder, why is this so hard?
Nowadays, doctors are only interested in one thing. Money. This is partly why insurance costs so much. Rather than truly understanding what is going on, doctors seem all too eager to prescribe drugs that treat symptoms, but don't actually treat the root cause. Why do they do this? Again, it's money related. Most of the big pharmaceutical companies pay doctors to recommend their drugs over their competitors. With so many conflicts of interest, is it really that hard to see why most of your visits to your doctor are mainly all talk, drug prescriptions, and nothing more?
I want to get better. I'm working on it. It would be nice if doctors could help speed that process, but I haven't been helped. Instead, I'm told I should get surgery. And while that may work for the majority of patients, it doesn't always work. It can get worse. I'd like to heal naturally. Surely, there's got to be a natural way.
I can keep throwing my money at the medical system getting small incremental results, but can health care truly come with a price tag? I'd like to think that saving and improving lives is more valuable than money ever could be. I hope that one day we can get our priorities in order. I believe limits need to be placed on how much a doctor can charge for certain procedures. It needs to be reasonable.
The government always focuses on changing how we're insured, but again, this is not the root problem. Doctors need to stop billing astronomical rates to the insurance companies, and insurance companies should be mandated to operate as non-profits. Health is more important than making a profit. Health care should be affordable to all and a no brainer. In its current state though, it's essentially worthless until your hit your high deductible (in my case $7,500 with Obama Care). What good is that?
I don't want to spend $7,500 before insurance covers something. Why am I even paying?
We've got to fix the system. Only then can we possibly experience what true health and wellness might be.
YouTube and Censorship |
Posted by: frogman - 11-16-2017, 04:01 PM - Forum: Websites and Web Services
- Replies (2)
YouTube is cracking down and censoring what it claims are "extremist, inappropriate, or offensive" videos. And this is only what they publicly acknowledge.
YouTube has actually been doing this for years. Tons of videos that were once available have been removed or censored. Things have become so bad that you should download and save a copy of a video before its removed. (A good free tool for this is JDownloader - just be careful not to install any of its additional offers since the installer is filled with ads in an effort to help them make money).
YouTube even has a point based system encouraging everyday visitors to help police content. I'm sure there's no way that could possibly be abused (sarcasm). Most people are snow flakes that are offended by the most insignificant little thing. As such, they're probably reporting videos they don't agree with. Users should NOT police content either. I don't think anyone should.
Our options are limited when it comes to a video host that does NOT censor content. YouTube should NOT act as the content police. Freedom of speech should protect videos. Granted, there are some sick people in the world, and as such, some video content should be removed. It's a slippery slope, but videos should NOT be censored because of the ideas or viewpoints that are presented. Knowledge is power. We must question everything we've been taught.
Censorship is wrong. Copyright complaints are partially to blame as well which is why the entire copyright system should also be revisited and rewritten. I wish we had an alternative like we used to back in the day with MegaVideo because it's alarming how quickly videos are disappearing from YouTube or being censored based on geographical regions (determined from a visitors IP address).
Some illegal content should be removed, but that process should only kick in when a large number of user complaints are received. Then, a review team (with processes) should determine if the reported video breaks any laws (laws are not always correct either though), but should not censor an idea just because they don't agree with it. It's tough. I don't have the perfect answer, but it shouldn't be operating the way it does now.