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YouTube and Censorship
YouTube is cracking down and censoring what it claims are "extremist, inappropriate, or offensive" videos. And this is only what they publicly acknowledge.

YouTube has actually been doing this for years. Tons of videos that were once available have been removed or censored. Things have become so bad that you should download and save a copy of a video before its removed. (A good free tool for this is JDownloader - just be careful not to install any of its additional offers since the installer is filled with ads in an effort to help them make money).

YouTube even has a point based system encouraging everyday visitors to help police content. I'm sure there's no way that could possibly be abused (sarcasm). Most people are snow flakes that are offended by the most insignificant little thing. As such, they're probably reporting videos they don't agree with. Users should NOT police content either. I don't think anyone should.

Our options are limited when it comes to a video host that does NOT censor content. YouTube should NOT act as the content police. Freedom of speech should protect videos. Granted, there are some sick people in the world, and as such, some video content should be removed. It's a slippery slope, but videos should NOT be censored because of the ideas or viewpoints that are presented. Knowledge is power. We must question everything we've been taught.

Censorship is wrong. Copyright complaints are partially to blame as well which is why the entire copyright system should also be revisited and rewritten. I wish we had an alternative like we used to back in the day with MegaVideo because it's alarming how quickly videos are disappearing from YouTube or being censored based on geographical regions (determined from a visitors IP address).

Some illegal content should be removed, but that process should only kick in when a large number of user complaints are received. Then, a review team (with processes) should determine if the reported video breaks any laws (laws are not always correct either though), but should not censor an idea just because they don't agree with it. It's tough. I don't have the perfect answer, but it shouldn't be operating the way it does now.

Messages In This Thread
YouTube and Censorship - by frogman - 11-16-2017, 04:01 PM
RE: YouTube and Censorship - by Chicodoodoo - 11-16-2017, 08:34 PM
RE: YouTube and Censorship - by Chicodoodoo - 11-18-2017, 05:51 AM

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